Follow my adventures with my clients to Nepal, Bhutan, Antarctica, South America, Bali and beyond.

Our day in Marrakech

Today we enjoyed a city tour of Marrakech, the locals are extremely and happy to bargain, bargain, bargain hence many items were purchased by the girls. lots of people. Yesterday on our way to Marrakech the scenery was stunning as we followed the Atlas Mountains capped with snow, where n an amazing highway which was constructed by the French and [….]

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3rd day In Morocco

Today we visited the Royal palace of Fess which is 800 hectares. The palace has 7 doors representing 7 days of week, 7 colours of rainbow, 7 gates of hell and  7 sky’s leading to paradise. Sephardic Jews originally from Spain were excellent traders who discovered mineral salts which were transported throughout Morocco, later the Jews traded gold from India.  The Bronze and tiles created by [….]

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First 2 Days in Morocco

Ksar is a walled city with French modern architecture mixed with Islamic architecture. Casablanca is very cosmopolitan city. After our visit to the Hassan11 Mosque  the largest in the world. We then travelled to the city of Rabat and enjoyed our first night in a Riad. From Rabat we drove to Fess on the way visiting Meknes a 16th century fortified city in [….]

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Our last day on the Portuguese Way

Today was a special celebration for everyone Catholic, Christian and non. After the breakfast Anton our guide showed us the most important sights of this historic city. We visited the palace Gelmirez as well as the cathedral and attended the Pilgrims Mass which is always quite emotional for those attending even religious or non religious as the Botafumero (incense burner) [….]

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Day 8 on the Portuguese Way

Our group walked 27kms today, what a great achievement! We drove to our starting point, it was very dark, torches lit the way, 12 degrees, very still and quite cold. The marching of our boots was the only sound. Once the hint of daylight appeared, we noticed the moon still sparkling following its monthly journey and hopefully bringing us a [….]

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Day 7 on the Portuguese Way

We are walking 19 klm  today along the Portuguese Way Up an incline, down through the pines along narrow lanes abundant with maize and vines. We walked 8kms and then stopped for a coffee, which was our first destination. We set off again without hesitation our feet get weary, our boots clamber on, we will conquer this walk with our determination. We arrive [….]

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Day 6 On the Portuguese Way

  Up bright and early after a fantastic dinner last night at Mauro restaurant on the Redondela waterfront. An incredible feast of seafood, shrimps, razor clams and sea bass cerviche. Only one person was able to finish the entrecot, brilliant. Fantastic atmosphere and service.  The troops began stamping at Redondela and then sallied forth along the way on Day 6. [….]

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Day 5 on the Portuguese Way

Another crisp morning as we set off from our hotel.  Delicious sunshine, friendly scarecrows and a dreaming white cat, as we pass by fields on the way to Mos.  Autumn leaves falling beside the stream. First stop in Mos for a delicious coffee served with homemade cakes. We pass by a Roman milestone and amazing edible macrolipiota mushrooms.  Hens and [….]

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Day 3 of the Portuguese Way

We left Ponte de Lima and drove to Rubiães, where we started day 3 of our Camino. On our hike we encountered a farmer herding sheep, we travelled through some wonderful villages and scenery, stopping at bars and cafes for much appreciated breaks. We arrived at the historic walled town of Valencia, which we all enjoyed, before crossing the border [….]

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2nd Day on the Portuguese Way

Today we walked from Ponte de Lima to Ponte de Lima the hard way via Rubiaes. We all made it and I think we all felt finally like we were pilgrims on the Camino. Whether it was easy or hard work for you, bon caminho everyone!! According to Anton this 18.6km was the hardest part of the Portuguese Way and [….]

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