Follow my adventures with my clients to Nepal, Bhutan, Antarctica, South America, Bali and beyond.


We departed our hotel in Urumbumba for a 35 minute drive to the start of our trek to the Indian Community village of Misminay situated at 3700 mtts. Arriving at our start point at 9.30am and before heading out on the trail we were handed our snack pack to keep up our energy levels. It is was an easy undulating [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


Peru has an abundance of fresh food and Peruvians eat their traditional dishes on an every day basis. The sea (Pacific Ocean) and the rivers coming down to the coast provide a variety of fish and shell fish. The plentiful supply of water from the Andes – despite the arid and dry terrain allows for production of a wide variety [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


Yesterday we drove from Chivay to Puno it took around 6 hours with several stops along the way, and most of those stops were for the happy room. Lunch was a picnic by Lake Umayo at 4100mtrs wow what an amazing picturesque place to enjoy lunch. Another 2 hours and we arrived at our hotel in Puno a lakeside city [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


Well here we are on our way to Canyon del Colca which is the most popular excursion from Arequipa, the paved road winds and climbs its way northeast past the back of El Mistie and Chanchani Mountains to the National Park which covers 360,000 hectares with an average altitude of 3000 metres. We were fortunate to see vicunas, alpacas and [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


Our flight from Sydney to Buenos Aires too a gruelling 19 hours. I have taken this journey many times in the past so I was not looking at all forward to the flight. Amazingly time passed very quickly maybe it was due the the interesting 11 people I was escorting on a 24 day adventure holiday to Sth America. We [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


Hi EveryoneOn the 17th April I returned home from another fabulous trip to Nepal, this time it was quite different and exciting as I was joined by my 16 year old great niece Sara. It was wonderful to have a family member the first apart from Alan to share my 18 years of passion for Nepal and having Sara join [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


Namaste one and all For those of you unfamiliar with the term -“Hello”- this missive comes to you from the top of the world (sort of), it is now 9pm and we have been in Nepal for 3 days and I am at a loss for where to begin. This is a country unlike anywhere I have been so far [….]

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Filed under: Nepal


Thursday 31st March 6 adventurous women set out on Thai Airways flight to Nepal the tiny Himalayan country wedged between India and China. One overnight in Bangkok and the following day we then boarded our Thai flight to Kathmandu duration time 3 hours 15 minutes. Approaching Nepal the weather was clear and we glimpsed Everest standing at an awesome 8840 [….]

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Filed under: Nepal


We have just spent the most amazing stay in the village of Majhuwja. Our rustic accomodation was extremely comfortable. Before we arrived our host who not only carried on his back (all uphill) for the past 3 hours, 4 large whiteboards, managed to lug 4 beds up two flights of very narrow stairs to to our room. I must add [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel