Follow my adventures with my clients to Nepal, Bhutan, Antarctica, South America, Bali and beyond.

High Passes of Everest

Five days ago we landed ? Lukla Nepal the most dangerous airport in the world, thankfully we were blessed with perfect conditions. Myself and my Group are on our way to tackle the High Passes of Everest trekking a less travelled, challenging and strenuous route. We will cross the best adventure passes during the trek Khangma-La Pass (5535m) Chola-La pass [….]

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The Best of Southern India

Sadly our trip to Southern India has come to an end. This trip would not be possible without the great company of 9 wonderful women who shared lots of laughs, our fabulous guides who gave us an interesting and sometimes colourful insight of their state, and our safe driver Manarge and helper Rajesh who safely and skilfully negotiated the manic [….]

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Shades of India

We arrived Kovalam early evening. The Taj Hotel is set in 5 acres of stunning grounds close to the beach. The girls are grateful for a day of relaxation enjoying yoga, shopping at the local handicraft stores, massage therapies, swimming and of course eating delicious food both Indian and Western. Today we will travel by coach to Alleppey where we [….]

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Winter in Nepal

Most tourists do not visit Nepal in winter as they are under the impression that it is too cold to trek. NOT TRUE! This is my first time visit in January and I as pleasantly surprised as the temperature is perfect for trekking. Of course on higher altitude treks you would be more exposed to the cold and first season [….]

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Marrakech in a day

Marrakech  Today we enjoyed a city tour of Marrakech, the locals are extremely and happy to bargain, bargain, bargain hence many items were purchased by the girls. lots of people. Yesterday on our way to Marrakech the scenery was stunning as we followed the Atlas Mountains capped with snow, where n an amazing highway which was constructed by the French [….]

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Filed under: Morocco


The Camino path to Santiago de Compostella has been an amazing experience. It has been great to see the countryside from the pathway with so much diversity……far more mountainous country than I imagined with lots of woodlands full of oak, chestnut and pine. There has been a surprising number of flowering plants for the end of summer, including things we [….]

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Cairo -Pyramids-Museum

This morning we departed Cairo for Alexandria. Alexandria is the biggest learning city in the Mediterranean area. Many Greek philosophers came to learn in Alexandria Library. We visited the new library which was designed by a Norwegian man who won a competition out of 1000 entries. The library is made of grey granite designed and inscribed with symbols of 120 [….]

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Our final day in Morocco

Well everyone where do I start? A big day, travelled 70kms out of Marrakech to a Berber village and had morning tea with a local family, absolutely wonderful. The tea ceremony was performed by the grandmother, she was so gracious with her much experienced practice, mint leaves and sage, oh! sage tea is so nice. Bread was made for us, [….]

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Travelling in Morocco

We had  a great day yesterday travelling from Erfoud Ouarzazate via El Kelâa M´gouna, weather today is  clear and sunny with a brilliant blue sky. We visited an old fort from many years ago, then to a fossil factory which had fossils dated back millions of years ago, so interesting, Morocco is known for many fossils, an oasis in the middle [….]

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