Follow my adventures with my clients to Nepal, Bhutan, Antarctica, South America, Bali and beyond.


SISTERS!! A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day,  drinking iced tea and visiting with her mother. As they talked about  life, about marriage, about the            responsibilities of life and the obligations of adulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in her glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glance upon her daughter. ‘Don’t forget your sisters,’ [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Post from Irene

Dearest Lyn Well where do I begin! Thank you so much for a brilliant and exceptional experience. Thanks for sharing your love and passion for Nepal, it really enriched this amazing experience. I see why you keep coming back!! Your insight and stories I very much appreciated as well as your organizayional skills. Thanks for your great sense of fun [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Post from Carys

Thank you Lyn for providing this amazing opportunity to join your group tou to Nepal. I had the most wonderful time, and am so glad I came. Also thank you for all the organization of accomodation and transport that made everything so much easier and less stressful. Thank you for being helpful and friendly looking after me and making me [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

My First trip to Nepal Jan

Absolutely incredible, felt like on was sitting on top of the world. The people are beautiful & work so hard carring tremendous weights as they work in the fields & ascend & descend the steep mountains on the rugged rocky roads. From the snow capped mountains to the cascading water through tropical forests,the scene was ever enticing. The trek was [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel