Women’s Bali Indulgence Tour

I have a wonderful group of 12 ladies on my Bali tour. Our first day was total relaxation together with free time or a choice to join me on a bike ride along the beach trail and busy streets around Sanur. In the evening we enjoyed a fabulous dinner celebrating Beth and Karen’s birthdays. Today we visited the Bali Marine [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Update on Nepal Earthquake Appeal

Many westeners have experienced the unique nature of Nepal. Reflecting on the recently earthquake-ravaged nation, which some see as a kind of spiritual cradle and wonders that amongst us will not just remember, but contribute to its long term reconstruction? On behalf of the Nepalese community I would like to thank you for your contirubiton. The extent of suffering in [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f328e70165dc84d24186bcd2b&id=8eaa1d4000 26TH April 2015 This is another quick update on the position in Nepal. We have just had an announcement from the British manager at the yak and yeti hotel that they are expecting a bigger quake than yesterday in the next 2 to 3 hours we are all in the garden trying to stay safe. The Yak  and Yeyi [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


Two intrepid travellers are on their way to Lukla today  This is a trek to beat all treks. This classic treks that trekker’s worldwide want to leave their bootprint on! They will begin today with an unforgettable flight to Lukla over some of the most breathtaking mountain scenery ever to be experienced. Today they have an easy 3 hour to [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


Four intrepid women departed last weekend on Lyn Taylor’s Adventure tour to Patagonia.A quick post from JanWonderful day trip with Maria from Trips and Tours. Excellent commentary and we were so well looked after. All good thanks Lyn. Off again tomorrow. The Argentinian wine great. Jan. Hi Lyn. Back home again. A few hiccups with plane delays then lost baggage [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


On the 21st April I I will be returning to Nepal to live with my 2nd family, who are beautiful people living in a remote village in the north west of the country. Happy to have a new school I will stay for 10 days to oversee ongoing work on a local High School Shree Baseri. Together with the generosity [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


Two intrepid travellers have returned from their 4 week journey in Patagonia Chile,  and Argentina with Lyn Taylor’s Adventure Travel.Please take a minute to read a page out of their blog. http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/gaye1959/5/1422213783/tpod.html We were met for transfers, by guides and hotel staff without any delays or problems. We were very impressed with everything you organised. We had a very busy, [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel