Austria to Slovenia

We departed our hotel in Vienna at 7am, or a little after as our arranged transfer van was delayed due to a breakdown. Still plenty of time to spare, but finding our coach and seat number was an adventure on its own. Our 6 hour journey took us through some of Austria’s most stunning and picturesque country side. After 3 [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Slovenia Tuscany and Camino

The ladies arrived into Vienna yesterday afternoon all very excited but jet lagged after a 25 hour flight. Time for a quick power nap and out to dinner at a quaint Italian Restaurant situed close to our hotel which is in a fabulous area  near the famous Opera House. After dinner some of us opted for a power walk around [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Bon Voyage Ladies

This weekend Lyn Taylor’s Adventure has 11 very excited women deoarting on the Camino Pilgrims trail from St Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostela. On the June 21, 4 ladies will join the tour from Leon. Lyn Taylor’s Adventure Travel would like to wish the ladies a safe and unforgettable pilgrimage. Another tour departing this weekend accompanied by [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


Last month I had the pleasure of touring the Emerald Isle – Ireland. I was in awe of its spectacular ever changing scenery, from the rugged cliffs and remoteness of the North, to the lush green pastures of the south east. Ireland is a patchwork of barley fields and farmland where I have never seen such healthy cattle and sheep. [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Tips for Women Travelers Visiting Arab Countries

By Jill Wilson,, supplied by Lyn Taylor Adventures who have a tour for women to Morocco in October 2015 For those single  women travelers, this list was compiled by one of the women working with Experience It Tours. These ideas come from years of experience. I hope you find them helpful. Dress appropriately, respect the culture– don’t wear anything skin-tight. [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Escape travel Everest Deal

8. Lyn Taylor Adventures / 16 day package – $1688 Recieve 25 per cent off the all-women’s 16-day trek to the Everest area of Nepal, now priced from $1688, a saving of more than $560 when you book before September 28. The tour includes a 12-day moderate trek through beautiful Sherpa villages surrounded by the Himalaya mountains. The price includes [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


“Lyn Taylor’s Adventure Travel exists to see women shine when they achieve something that in the past seemed out of reach is overwhelming” – Lyn Taylor When Lyn takes groups of women to Nepal, they embark on a particularly special journey. She partners with them on tailored treks to not only to experience new sights and cultures, but to push [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel


I met up with my group in Kathmandu 2 days ago, on our first night we enjoyed a wonderful traditional. Nepalese cuisine, including an entertaining cultural show.  Arrived Lhasa yesterday after an exciting flight and magnificent views of Everest. The past 2 days sightseeing in Lhasa has been fabulous, tomorrow departing on our overland trip to Kathmandu via Everest Base [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Camino Reunion

Thank you girls for taking the time and effort to travel from other states to our Camino reunion in Stanwell Park. Special thanks to Leila who opened up her Tudor Lodge guesthouse to accommodate the group. The weather could not have been better especially on Saturday when we donned our trekking boots to hike the 11klm Otford to Burning Palms [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel