Customised adventure travel is the way to go! It has been amazing to hear from our International Adventurers, Sandy and Nikki. They are thoroughly enjoying the Camino Pilgrimage. I am so excited to share with you an update from their travels! All over the world people are packing their bags and going on new adventures again. And we are ready to get back on the road! We provide customised adventure travel packages across the world, including our very own Australian Guided Tours. So when you’re ready to make some new travel plans CONTACT US to discuss your needs.   

Sandy and Nikki have sent through the update below from their travel diaries. I hope you enjoy the read and feel inspired for what’s to come.

Sandy & Nikki Travel Diaries

“We made it to Burgos this afternoon after a dark start and a few hours in the rain. My concerns about losing our way into the city were never validated. We missed the turn off for the more scenic approach along the river, but managed not to miss the the discreet markings of the main route.

We were herded with sheep this morning! I forgot my Pilgrims passport was in my pants pocket, so it got saturated. But thanks to the kindness of the café attendants along the way with drying it, the paper passport was salvaged!

Here are a few photos taken over the last few days…

The first is of Nikki today in the rain after sun up near Atpuerca (where the oldest human remains have been found). The last is a picture from the clock tower in Santo Domingo looking down on our hotel. You can see the Camino route out of town (narrow street on the right). We haven’t figured out the connection between Belorado and Martin Sheen (hand and foot print). But this is probably due to his movie The Way.  Many towns have unique in-pavement Camino markers like this.”

Does reading about their adventures make you feel excited for a new year of travel? I know I do! We are ready to get back out there and create some more customised adventure travel opportunities across Australia, New Zealand and the world.

If you are like Sandy and Nikki and are interested in travelling with some likeminded women, check out our upcoming Women’s Only Tours. Or feel free to reach out via our CONTACT US form and we can discuss your interests together. 

– Lyn Taylor

Filed under: Adventure travel