Our group walked 27kms today, what a great achievement! We drove to our starting point, it was very dark, torches lit the way, 12 degrees, very still and quite cold. The marching of our boots was the only sound. Once the hint of daylight appeared, we noticed the moon still sparkling following its monthly journey and hopefully bringing us a sunny day.
At last into open peaceful space, walking in dirt and small stones. A plane leaves a very long vapour trail. Bracken fern colours of rich green and brown. On the hillside, giant white wind turbines are quite still, their greatness is new to us.
Our first welcome coffee stop is 8 kms in at Los Camioneros and we enjoy. Locals happily chatting at the bar and enjoying their coffee. Once walking we venture into wooded areas of dirt and stone with the sun streaking light on branches of trees.
Dogs guard entrances to their masters properties and cats return home after a night out!
Their houses of stone are neat and perfect with well manicured gardens of roses, chrysanthemum, hydrangeas and other varieties similar to home.
We walk into the town of Padron where we are to stay the night. We go to the Church of Saint James of Padron to get a stamp in our passport. We enjoy a break with food in a local cafe.
We have all agreed that we will walk an extra 9 kilometres to make our last day (Saturday) more easy as the weather is expected to change, so we commenced this. Is was a good but tiring walk. We all enjoyed a shower, some down time and then dinner at our hotel which is very grand.
So the yellow arrow is still guiding us, ours passports are ready for stamping and most of all enjoy the day.
Written by Christine and Jen