Today was an action packed. We actually began our adventure last night when we arrived at Belahoya River Resort, and were shown to our rustic style accommodation set in an idyllic position on the Belahoya river.
After settling in we decided to explore and wander down to the river for a swim where we met two local men taking their daily wash. I decided to go upstream to where the water was cascading over the rocks whilst Margy decided to settle on a rock to relax and read her book. Whilst I was swimming another 2 young boys larrived to fish. Thinking that there were not any fish in the river, I was amazed to see that after a few minutes they managed to catch 3 very large carp.
We trekked through very dence grass and terraced rice paddies Sinhalese call them cascading, there were a few slips and slides on the way, thank goodness for Goretex shoes, and trekking poles.
After lunch we travelled by tuk tuk to the highest spectacular waterfall in Sri Lanka! Called Babbarakanda. The ride was hair raising with myself and Marty on outside and our guides squashed in the middle. The 20klm ride to the waterfall on the main highway with buses, trucks and tuk tuks was thrilling, and worth the experience of putting yourself out there.