We departed our hotel in Urumbumba for a 35 minute drive to the start of our trek to the Indian Community village of Misminay situated at 3700 mtts. Arriving at our start point at 9.30am and before heading out on the trail we were handed our snack pack to keep up our energy levels. It is was an easy undulating winding trail through farmland and scenic valley’s with a back drop of the magnificent Veronica mountain standing at 5980 mtrs. We had several stops along the way one to eat out snacks and take photos as our guided explained to us how the locals make their homes of mud bricks. Arriving at Misminay around 2pm we were greeted by the smiles of our staff who had been busy erecting our tents and preparing our lunch. After a much needed bowl of warm washing water we were presented with a scrumptuous lunch of soup, trout, fresh vegetables, avocado (which grows in abundance in Peru and is absolutely delicious). After lunch we went to our tents for a 45 minute siesta. Woken at 4.30pm the ladies of the village arrived with their textiles and looms to give us a demonstration of their weaving technique. Everyone one in the group were welcomed to have a try, some of us including myself failed, these ladies have such nimble fingers. In between looking after their children, they spend many hours weaving their beautiful scarves, clothes, hats belts etc. to sell at the market. We could not resist a buy.
The following morning we set out after breakfast for a short walk to Moray an archaeological site which contain unusual Inca Ruins mainly consisting of a enormous terraced circular depressions the largest of which is 30 metres deep. Moray was perhaps an Inca agricultural experimental station. As with many Inca sites it has a sophisticated irrigation system. From Moray we then travelled to the salt mines of Moras which are situated on the side of a terraced hill. Each small plot is owned by the local people and they are permitted to have more than one salt plot. The salt is not exported but used by the local people of Urumbumba, the cost of a 50 kg bag is 13 sols appox. Aust$4. We traversed the salt mines and hiked to the Urumbumba river where our vehicle and driver met us. The past 2 days have been amazing especially the visit to the village, we took over 20 kgs of clothing to hand out to these very poor and humble people. They clothes were very gratefully received.
Filed under: Adventure travel